
Career advisors and job search experts will tell you that between sixty to eighty percent of all job connections are made through networking. 历史 has demonstrated time after time that the most important tool used in making successful job connections is an effective informational interview.


  • 了解别人如何以及在哪里使用你的学位. Connect with other Alfred University alumni with the 校友目录 or on LinkedIn that have earned comparable degrees in your field. 寻找他们从事的各种工作.
  • 探索并确认职业评估的结果. If your work experience is limited and you wish to explore your options, assessment tools can provide you recommendations of career fields or types of jobs that align with your strengths and aptitudes.
  • Expand your depth of knowledge by asking multiple people performing a job you might like. 当你缩小你感兴趣的工作列表时, use the 校友目录 and talk with our staff in the 职业发展中心 to expand your perspective of those jobs by interviewing more people in your target areas. 了解他们喜欢和不喜欢他们的工作. See what experiences and perspectives are widely shared and what perspectives are individual specific.
  • Solicit advice, ideas and referrals through Informational Interviews. 针对工作类型的个人, 行业或组织, to help you grow a network of contacts that can help you see organization specific 需要, identify opportunities where organizations want to grow their teams, 并预测新兴市场.

人脉不仅仅是找工作. It is active communication process that involves reaching out to help you gain insight regarding the other person’s activities, 利益, 需要, 观点和联系. It is a life skill that should be deliberately managed to maintain, 或者更重要的是, 推动事业的成功. Networking often results in long-term win-win relationships that are both personal and professional.

Most people are focused on their personal 需要 and 利益 rather than your objectives. 如果你想参与并向他人学习, respect their time and draw information you need by learning from information and perspectives that are important to them. It is amazing the opportunities one can uncover while listening.

The most successful networkers think outward rather than inward. They focus upon understanding the person with whom they are engaging while reaching out for valuable referrals as much as the quick connection.

Effective networking occurs at informal social or industry gatherings as well as more formally requested one-to-one appointments. Always have a ready supply of business cards to share contact information and to make notes of key items of interest or commitments that you may make during a conversation.

We could fill a page with potential networking contacts. Treat everyone you meet as a potential source of information that could lead to your next connection.

Smart jobseekers spend approximately 75 to 80 percent of their time creating opportunities to meet people and conduct informational interviews. Their goal is to tap in to the “hidden job market” where the majority of jobs are filled. Jobs in the “hidden market” will not be advertised and are uncovered by referrals and word of mouth.

你可能听说过校友名录. 努力与之建立联系,但要尊重这种资源. Our alumni tend to have a special connection drawn from shared experiences. 因为这些共同的经历, 30岁以上的很多人,000 living alumni will make time to help you with your search.

You owe it to the people you meet to be current on current affairs and to be conversant on key events and industry trends.

回顾面试的基本准备工作. The same ground rules for job interviews apply to informational interviews with one major exception.

肯定 询问他们是否有职位空缺. 你要求给我机会听听他们的建议, perspectives and ideas; you did not ask for an opportunity for self-promotion. 计划好基本的开场白:

感谢他们的时间. Be prepared to share why you are excited about exploring their industry and learning more from their perspectives. 如果你有推荐人,请提及. 他们可能会问你的背景.

Be prepared with a thirty-second introduction that elaborates on your background and interest. 举个例子:

“I became interested in the _(industry)__ field last summer when I worked at _(organization name) and had an opportunity to work with the _(job type)___ Director there. Her job provided an opportunity to make a difference with the organization and it really fascinated me. She worked with all aspects of (responsibility) and (responsibility); she was sincerely interested in helping her team _(goal)_. I liked the variety in her job and the fact that she was a very positive influence at _(organization name).”

From this point on remember that your focus is to ask questions, listen and learn. 记住,你的联系人是专家. 别忘了发一封感谢信.




How would you describe the culture of your organization?

If you were starting your career today, what would you do differently?


你认为哪里有机会? 需要?

What other organizations would you recommend that I explore?


What advice would you share to help someone like me prepare ?

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