






Students who enjoy working with both 动物s and people may want to consider a career in veterinary medicine. Along with the traditional role of veterinarian there are also several career paths available with a population perspective that will enable DVM graduates to work throughout the world improving the lives of people as well as 动物s.

Such career options may be 研究 in lab-动物 medicine helping to identify and cure human disease; detect emerging diseases by working with such agencies as the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention; work to conserve endangered species; teaching farmers in developing countries about 动物 生产 and health; work in the 食物的动物 industry; and as teachers and professors.

Several vet schools also offer a PhD program along with the DVM program that will open the door for more career opportunities.

  • 时间表-学生应参考在线赌博的 Pre-health时间表 和清单(见下文),以协助他们进行职业规划.
  • College 主要 and Required 课程s - There is no specific major that is required by veterinary schools; each school has its own set of prerequisite courses. It is best to check with the veterinary school you are interested in applying to and determine which classes are necessary. Students should complete the Checklist to assist them with program planning.
  • Grades - Most veterinary schools require a letter grade of C- or better, 提前录取项目需要更高的成绩. 通过/不通过通常不被考虑.
  • GRE考试考试 GRE考试 test is required for most veterinary schools (generally verbal and quantitative only) and practice tests are recommended. A 自由练习测验 是可用的.
  • Experience - It is imperative that candidates for veterinary school get some experience in working with 动物s and it is generally recommended that candidates have experience with at least 3 species of 动物s. Examples of relevant experience might include working with or shadowing a veterinarian, 在农场工作, 野生动物保护区, 动物收容所, 或者动物园. The quantity and quality of the experience is supported by the letters of evaluations from supervisors.
  • Extracurricular Activities - The well-rounded candidate will have demonstrated achievement outside of academic and 动物-oriented activities. 大多数招生委员会都重视研究经验, 社区参与, and volunteer work as well as desirable personality traits such as honesty, 完整性, 可靠性和奉献精神.

每个学校的申请流程都是具体的. Interested candidates should contact the schools they are applying to. Most veterinary schools accept applications at the end of the junior year of undergraduate work, 然而, some schools have an Early Acceptance Program that enables applicants to apply at the end of their sophomore year. 此外, 美国兽医学院协会 为申请人提供有关 VMCAS.


Due to the number of science prerequisites required to apply to Veterinary schools, 大多数申请者都是理科生. Unlike most medical schools, many veterinary schools require more biology courses.

大多数美国大学的最低课程要求.S. veterinary schools are listed below with their AU equivalent courses. 请检查APVMA.org or specific vet schools for any additional specific courses requirements.

复选框 课程 非盟等效
英语 英格兰101年
英语 英格兰102年
复选框 课程 非盟等效
微积分我 数学151
统计数据 BIOL 226; POLS/SOCI 330; PSYC 220
复选框 课程 非盟等效
物理我 物理111或125
物理二世 物理112或126
复选框 课程 非盟等效
普通化学I 化学105
普通化学II 化学106
有机化学I 化学315
有机化学II 化学316
复选框 课程 非盟等效
生物学基础(生物学课程必修) 杂志150年
细胞生物学 杂志211年
遗传学 杂志212年
结构与功能 杂志213年
微生物学 杂志302年
生物化学 杂志420年


Some schools require or highly recommended exposure to advanced science courses, 特别是, 比较脊椎动物解剖学和动物生理学, 动物行为和动物营养, 以及演讲.


与动物打交道的经验, 特别是在兽医实践或生物医学研究中, 对你的申请至关重要吗. Competitive applicants normally have engaged in two or more areas of veterinary--or a combination of veterinary and 动物 experiences--(e.g. 小动物, 大型动物, 研究, 食物的动物, 生产, 异国情调的, 水生, 野生动物, 动物医学, 等.)至少在一个领域有丰富的经验. Successful applicants usually have 400 hours or more of veterinary experience. 动物经验包括与牲畜一起工作, 繁殖或显示不同种类的, 在动物园工作, 水族馆或宠物店, 或者在动物收容所做志愿者.


The 研究生 Record Examination (GRE考试) is required by most veterinary schools, 有些还要求生物GRE考试. The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is also accepted by some schools in place of the GRE考试.


The Veterinary Medical College 应用程序 Service (VMCAS) is sponsored by the 美国兽医学院协会 (AAVMC). This common application simplifies the process of applying to veterinary school so applicants can apply to the vast majority of AVMA/COE accredited colleges in the US and abroad, 包括美国30家兽医机构中的29家, 两个加拿大人, 两个苏格兰, 一位英国, 一个爱尔兰人, 一个新西兰, 两个澳大利亚, 以及两所加勒比兽医学校. The application requires a minimum of three (maximum of 6) letters of reference. One of these letters must be from a veterinarian who can describe and assess your relevant veterinary experience. Applicants are also required to have one academic letter of evaluation. Additional letters(s) may be from other significant experience(s) (veterinary, 动物, 和/或其他经验).

Submit application materials during the summer before your senior year on the VMCAS website. 申请通常在九月中旬截止. 逾期申请不予受理. 因此,需要在8月份之前参加GRE考试考试. 你仍然可以完成一些先决条件, but most Veterinary colleges require that a majority of them be completed before applying.

  • 一般资料可透过 美国兽医协会
  • Contact specific veterinary schools for specific prerequisite information
  • 一般来说,需要400小时的课程
  • Students may consider supplementing their pre-veterinary advising by minoring in:



顶点:生物学 & 化学研究

“在开始这个(顶点)体验之前, I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian but was unsure of what path I would follow within the profession. 进行这项研究激励我去追求一个更 ..."

瑞秋啤梨, 2019