

- Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business International


  • MSA: Accounting, with Accountancy Analytics, University of Illinois, 2023
  • LLM: 税收, New York Law School, 2010
  • JD: Law, New York Law School, 1999
  • MBA: Finance, Baruch College, City University of New York, 1995
  • BS: Finance, Long Island University, 1985
  • Course: University of Virginia, Darden School of Business; Foundations of Business Strategy (2023)

Specialties / Areas of Interest

  • Tax Policy: Entrepreneurship



小路易斯·罗德里格斯. 是在线赌博的副教授,教授商法和税收, 同时也是志愿者所得税援助(VITA)项目的校园协调员. He previously taught as an Adjunct Professor of Law in New York Law School’s LL.M. 毕业生税务计划.


罗德里格斯教授在华尔街的金融服务行业工作了20多年, 在过去的十年里,他一直是一名记录场外衍生品交易(FX)的律师, 利率互换, 股权互换, 信用衍生品). 然后,他在纽约市建立了一个税法实践,在那里他解决了个人联邦和州所得税争议.


I firmly believe that the business community is a part of, 除了, the broader community of stakeholders; therefore, 我致力于培养学生的学习经验,促进经济和社会流动性以及正义. My teaching philosophy centers on using evidence-based teaching approaches, 技术加强, 为了实现这些目标,并使学生能够发展成为数据驱动的专业人士和鼓舞人心的领导者.


  • ACCT 361 Intermediate Accounting I
  • ACCT 371 Personal Income Tax
  • ACCT 471 Corporate Income Tax
  • LAW 241 Legal Environment of Business
  • LAW 442 Commercial Transactions
  • MBA 657高级税务

研究、出版物、 & 演讲


  • 在线赌博,Bergren论坛(2016)无人机技术:创业教学体验

研究 & 出版物

  • Section 195 (Revisiting the 税收 of Startup Expenditures) Contemporary Tax Journal; Volume 8, Issue 1 (2019)
  • 利用无人机技术在农村高等教育机构教授创业和领导技能, 亚太地区业务 & 经济学视角,卷. 5, No. 2(2017年冬季)
  • Equity Swaps and the Withholding Tax: "Potential for Tax Avoidance"; Journal of 税收 and Regulation of Financial Institutions (Vol. 25, No. 3、2012年1月/ 2月)
  • Withholding Tax Treatment of Total Return Equity Swaps: New Answers, 但是新的问题, Too; Journal of 税收 and Regulation of Financial Institutions (Vol. 24, No. 5、2011年5 / 6月)
  • 上市拉美存托凭证对标的股票风险与收益的影响. 特伦斯福. 马爹利教授. 格温多林P. Webb, Baruch College, CUNY; Global Finance Journal (Vol. 10, No. 2, 本文于6月20日至22日在华盛顿举行的第三届跨国金融问题年会上发表, 1996


  • Joseph Kruson Excellence in Teaching Award 在线赌博 2021
  • Appalachian Regional Commission Grant 2018
  • 因提供超过50小时的无偿法律服务而获得纽约州律师协会颁发的帝国律师奖 2009
  • 布鲁克林律师协会志愿律师项目为消费者破产请愿者提供无偿法律服务,获得纽约州公益服务奖 2009
  • Commitment to Justice Award by inMotion, Inc. for pro bono legal services to the immigrant victims of domestic violence; Award presented by former NY Governor Mario Cuomo 2004


学生辅导 & Experiential Learning 活动

  • Champion efforts to create the 商学院 荣誉 Program, and a pathway for Fulbright Business 奖 for 商学院 students
  • Champion efforts to advance evidence-based teaching
  • 通过促进以下方面,支持提高教员和会计专业的多样性和卓越性:
    • 博士项目该学院旨在增加商科教育中族裔多元化的师资队伍
    • AICPA的 Accounting Scholars 领导 Workshop, ,旨在加强学生的专业技能和了解获得注册会计师证书的好处
      • Student awarded an all-expense paid trip to the Denver CO workshop (2019)
    • The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Student 领导 Conference
      • Student attended the virtual conference (2021)
  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program 协调员 (2014- )
    • The VITA program is supported by the Internal Revenue Service, with a mandate to provide free income tax filing services to qualified individuals. 该项目为学生提供了将税收理论与实践相结合的体验式学习机会,通过社区参与加深批判性思维


  • Retention Council; faculty representative (2024-)
  • Middle States Commission on Higher 教育, accreditation committee Co-Chair (2023-24)  for Standard 6 (Planning, 资源, and Institutional Improvement), 成员(2022-23)
  • Strategic Budget Committee, faculty representative (2022-)
  • Teaching and Learning Center Committee, 商学院 representative (2022-)
  • 学院参议院、商学院代表(2020-1)和候补(2021-3)
  • Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Liberal 艺术, member (2021)
  • IT Committee Reviewing Online Material 可访问性, member (2018)
  • Search Committee for Accounting 教师, member (2018)
  • Curriculum and Teaching Committee, member (2017-8)
  • MBA Advisory Council, member (2014-)

Community and Professional Service:

  • Provide business/legal/tax consulting advice to startup and existing businesses
    • 零售行业
    • 服务行业

Host Tax and Business Guest Speakers on various topics (2015-):

  • Business and Data Analytics; Accounting Analytics
  • 建设税务筹划 & 成本隔离
  • Equine Business and Tax Issues
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • 非营利组织管理
  • Transfer Pricing, and International 税收

Host Regulatory Guest Speakers representing (2014-):

  • 律政司
  • 劳工部
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • 联邦贸易委员会
  • National Labor Relations Board
  • Treasury Department; Internal Revenue Service

Investment Banking Guest Speakers (2015-7):

Provided telephonic access to monthly “pitch meetings” from various firms, generally in the green energy sector, seeking angel or seed funding


Six-time marathon runner; passionate about art collecting, 社会正义, and in taking the road less traveled



Journal of Business Law and Ethics Pedagogy, referee (2016-18)


2020 to Present; 法学副教授 and 税收, with tenure, 在线赌博, Alfred, NY

2014 to 2020; Assistant Professor of Law and 税收, 在线赌博, Alfred, NY

2012 to 2014; Adjunct Professor of Law, 毕业生税务计划, New York Law School; New York City, NY

2001 to 2014; My law practice focused on resolving the legal and tax issues of businesses, 非营利组织, and individuals; For ten years I also documented exotic OTC derivative transactions (Equity Derivatives, 信用违约掉期, Interest Rate Swaps) for various banking and brokerage firms

1992 to 2001; Principal of a management consulting firm that provided back-office and OTC derivative documentation services (Equity Derivatives, 信用违约掉期, Interest Rate Swaps) for various banking and brokerage firms

1985 to 1992; Project Manager, and Senior 工作人员 Consultant at various financial services operations projects

Board and Committee Experiences:

  • Allegany County Telecommunications Development Corp., Board Member (2015-17); Appointed by the Allegany County Legislature, 董事会成员负责向阿勒格尼县的居民推广高质量的互联网接入, NY
  • 殷切解决方案公司., Board Member (2015-17); NY nonprofit whose members represent healthcare providers and stakeholders servicing the needs of those in Western New York
  • 纳税人权益小组, Member (2012) representing New York State; Appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, 83名小组成员的使命是通过为其战略举措提供投入来改善美国国税局的税务管理系统和组织
  • 恩福公司., Board Member (2007-11); NY nonprofit that promotes cultural diversity in photography; En Foco publishes Nueva Luz, 曾三次入围Lucie奖2007 - 2009年度最佳摄影杂志
  • Manhattan Community Board Five, Board Member (2006-11); Appointed by the Manhattan Borough President, the 50 board members represent the diverse stakeholders of Midtown Manhattan, with over 50 million residents, 游客, 和工人
  • Violence Intervention Program Inc., Board Member (2005-6); NY nonprofit that serves the immigrant victims of domestic violence and their families


是什么让一个地方变得伟大? The consistent hard work of its caring & 友好的教职员工/. 这里的每个人都是生活学习社区的重要成员,这一点很明显.
